Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day ? and Kevin in Quick Sand

Today was supposed to be a standard scientific sediment collecting expedition. Our mission was to track around the eastern lagoon and collect sediments from the deep blue holes and the shallow sandy flats. Everything started out well, we passed through the causeway which was built courtesy of the US military so that they could get to all the islands of the atoll. Once we passed through the causeway we started sampling with our mud snapper. We collected some deep sediments and some shallow sediments. Then I suggested we take a walk on the coast where the sand tidal flats meet the jungle. We had about a 5 minute walk to get to shore and when we got there we collected our first samples which were very interesting, the top of the sand was the typical white color but below the was a bright pink color likely of bacterial or even archael origin ( a halophile perhaps) Our goal was to collect from two sites along the coast so we began walking along the coast being careful to stay below the high tide mark because we are not permitted to go on the 'land'. As we began walking we noticed some very cool things. First we noticed that crabs like to hang out below boobies nests. The funny thing I saw was a booby almost poop on a crabs head, I asked Paul to try and capture this on film but he failed. Then we continued to walk this is when we noticed that the sand was becoming gooey. At first it was no problem we simply sank up to our ankles in mud. We come to a low point on the land and admired the outer reef things were going well then paul started to head out and sunk knee deep into the mud, at this point he stated ok this is starting to not be funny, actually I think he said ok this is getting serious probably because I was laughing at him and asked him for his camera so I could film it (video coming soon) then we decided to just walk on palm leaves so that we would not sink so deep and then we came to a point where there were no palm leaves and the sand was way more then knee deep. Paul made his way through first and then I followed, very quickly falling waist deep into the mud. At this poin Paul turned around and began filming the excitement as I was no longer able to move. He captured video of me basically fighting for my life as I crawled on my belly through quick sand. The video is on FB I think but I will try and post a link here later, after I blur out the face.

After the quick sand incident we kept collecting and the next coolest thing was we encountered 7 or more manta rays feeding in a little bay inside the lagoon. I captured video of one the yesterday which I will also try and post later. Now I am posting some pictures we took while snorkeling on the outer terrace, it really exemplifies what it means when someone says 'coral reef'

Anyway besides that the collecting of sediments is progressing, we are plating out so much and that we are running out of petri dishes.

Tomorrow should be a big day because well its Sunday and the Chargers are playing so lets hope for their sake and mine they win.

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